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Here To Provide

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Here To Provide

Contact Us

All Eights Group is a dedicated partner in clinical diagnostics distribution.

Let’s get in touch

At All Eights Group, we take pride in our role as enablers of excellence in the diagnostics industry. We engage in continuous inquiry to understand your business needs thoroughly.

    We at All Eights Group value your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal information. Our policies and practices comply with applicable data privacy laws, as well as our internal policies and privacy policy. Please note that, as a global organization, your information may be stored and processed in countries outside of your own. However, rest assured that no matter where your information is processed, we will treat it with the highest level of care and respect for your privacy.

    Our headquarters are in Singapore.
    We also have a significant presence in Malaysia.

    All Eights Singapore

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    All Eights Malaysia